8 Homeowner Safety Tips for Halloween

Halloween is a delight for people of all ages for many reasons including DIY decorations, candy, creative costumes, and tricks. While this is fine and dandy for some, if you’re a homeowner, there are a few things to consider to keep you and any visitors safe this Halloween. Review the 8 safety tips below.

  1. Turn your alarm off and lights on
    Keeping your home safe and protected throughout the year is very important, however, preventing false system alarms is also important. During the trick-or-treating hours your door will be opening and closing fairly often and you don’t want to have any false alarms when the ninjas and zombies come knocking. On the same token, you don’t want there to be any trips/falls or unnecessary spooks – keep your outside lights on to prevent any mishaps.
  2. Keep your driveway and walkway clear
    This time of year means extra leaves, twigs, and miscellaneous debris on the ground.  Take a few minutes beforehand to clear the walkways on your property.
  3. Tie up loose ends on home improvement projects
    Have you ever been on a construction site and had to be conscious of where you were stepping or cautious? If you are in the middle of a home remodel, be sure to relocate any construction debris out of the pathways, make an necessary adjustments, and allow for safe travel to your door.
  4. Relocate your furry friends
    We love our pets, yes. But, not all visitors feel the same way, especially if they don’t know your pets. Animals can be unpredictable around people if they don’t know them AND especially if they are in costume. Best to keep them and your visitors safe by relocating them to the back of the house or bedroom, which will also prevent them from getting loose too.
  5. Embrace LED
    Of course real candles in our jack-o-lanterns provide us with a sense of nostalgia, but we also forget that they run the risk of accidental house/yard fires. Instead, try the LED candles. They have the same effect and are safe!
  6. Homemade treats = nope
    Who doesn’t love making homemade goodies and candies this time of year? Well, maybe some. For those of us that do, let’s skip handing them out on Halloween. Not only do many parents not allow their children to eat those non-prepackaged goodies, but they could have severe allergies to something that might be in them. It’s best to stick with good old-fashioned, pre-packaged Tootsie Rolls and Reese’s (or whichever are your favorites).
  7. Using the garage for your car
    You never know what might happen during the hours of trick-or-treating. There is so much activity with the children going from house to house, and there could be some mischief—pranks that could cause someone to dent or scratch your car. Play it safe and park your car in the garage or low traffic area.
  8. Re-arming your home
    Don’t forget to keep you and your family safe after all the fun! Before you retreat for the night, turn your home security alarm back on.

From all of us at Hyland Homes—have a fun and safe Halloween!

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